Board meetings are where key corporate decisions are made, from company policies to management appointments to financial control and crisis response. In this setting, the members present their perspectives and debate different ideas and ultimately guide the company through the complexities of business. The best boards design agendas that encourage constructive dialogue and produce results.

One of the most important aspects of a strong board meeting is to provide adequate information in advance to board members. Nothing degrades the effectiveness of a meeting more than having participants have to read through important documents during the meeting or, worse yet the materials being that are not delivered on time or at all.

It is helpful to make an outline of the topics to be discussed prior to the meeting so that board members are in a position and can anticipate. This allows the board chair to focus on the most important issues and avoid rehashing issues that have already been discussed.

A strategic planning component is an excellent idea to put at the top of your list. This allows a full review to determine if the board’s strategic plan is still on track or if any gaps need to be addressed.

It’s also a good idea to begin the meeting with an inspiring or motivating message that re-energizes the boardroom and sets the tone for productive dialogue. It could be as easy and straightforward as a tale about the success of the company or a recognition of specific staff members or board members contributions.

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