邮件标题(一定要写标题,这个特别重要):Leave application,Ask for leave或者Sickleave
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss XXX,(名字千万不能不错,是对人起码的尊重)
I am(你的名字),a student of(课程名),my student number is(你的学号), XXXXX(此处省略请假理由,下面详细记述). l am writing to apologize for my absence from class and please let me know if there is any problem with the timing. Thank you very much for your consideration.
可能很多学生会习惯用”Could you please,来表达请求。但这会听起来让人觉得有些愤怒或者不耐烦。但高情商的同学会把 please放在句首或句尾。如: Please could you send me the details of the insur ance policy?“ Could you send me the details of the insur once policy ,please?
错误句式:Would you be so kind as to这样的句式听起来像是在挖苦对方。如果不这么做就是not kind,还是使用“could you.“或者”I’d be grateful if you could.“ 高情商的同学坚决不会使用这些词汇 Immedintely/without further delay…
如果情况紧急,高情商的同学这么说: As this matter is urgent, l would apprecinte a reply as soon aspossible. I would be grateful for your prompt reply.
高情商的问候语 Hope this email finds you well. I hope you are doing well.
连着上一封邮件 Following my previous email.. 刚刚与教授联系过 Nice to talk with you 高情商的回复 Many thanks for your feedback. Thanks for your quick reply. 回复晚了致歉 Apologize for late response/reply. I’m sorry to be so late to get back to you. 高情商思维在于如果是就一个问题反复沟通,可酌情不加问候语。
高情商请假表达 I will miss the class due to illness. My absence will cover the period from..
I have a stomachache today probably from the sashimil had last night. I’ll be working from home and available online.(和老师很熟建议直接讲明请假原因)
I got some family issues that l need to take a day off.(除了病假之外,如果有事情也可以请事假)
I have a serious cold, today.Whatever it is I’ll be working from home to fend for myself to keep the team safe.(疫情期间,大家懂得,感冒都请假吧)